Relationship of modular learning modality to the students’ mathematics performance in the new normal environment
Jovito Jr. Balansag Crodua 1 *
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1 Department of Education, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


This study was conducted to determine the relationship of modular learning modality on students’ mathematics performance in the new normal environment in the secondary schools in Governor Generoso North District. The study applied a quantitative and descriptive causal-correlational research design. Complete enumeration was employed which comprised of 322 grade 11 students. Adapted and modified survey–questionnaire was utilized to gather information which was validated by the experts and had undergone pilot testing to assure validity and reliability. Results revealed that the respondents agreed to the extent of usage of the modular learning modality while their mathematics performance was described as satisfactory. Findings also revealed that there are differences in the usage level of modular learning modality across the demographic profiles of the respondents. Learning outcomes, capturing students’ interest in learning and perceived solutions to learning difficulties were found to have a significant relationship to students’ mathematics performance and modular learning modality is positively and significantly related to the students’ mathematics performance. Furthermore, content format and optimal course to learn were the factors that can best predict students’ mathematics performance. It is recommended to look for and study the best strategies that will answer the relationship presented in this study. It is also suggested to conduct comprehensive review of the modular learning materials, venture on the implementation of other learning modalities, and to do additional intervention activities in the learning process during this new normal environment.


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Article Type: Research Article

Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023, Article No: em026

Publication date: 09 Jan 2023

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