Emerging perspective of a mathematics teacher educator on connections between advanced and school mathematics
Priestly Malambo 1 *
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1 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka, ZAMBIA* Corresponding Author


Contemporary research on mathematics teacher education reveals attention by researchers on mathematics connections (MC). Nevertheless, researchers have not investigated experiential views of mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) around MC. This article addresses the scenario by relating findings of an intrinsic case study involving a purposively chosen MTE. MTE responded to interview questions regarding experiential viewpoints on connections between advanced and school mathematics. Narrative data analysis suggested that MTE prefers special mathematics education courses (MECs). Envisaged MEC are supposed to align with school mathematics but comprised of subject matter, which is neither advanced mathematics nor school mathematics. Such courses coupled with school-based mentorship are expected to acquaint mathematics student teachers with MC. MTE could not provide subject matter-based connections except for pedagogic ones. Study of advanced mathematics was encouraged to foster understanding of MC. These findings motivate further research concerning how advanced mathematics ought to be connected to school mathematics concepts.


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Article Type: Research Article

Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023, Article No: em050


Publication date: 19 Sep 2023

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