Realistic mathematics education and authentic learning: A combination of teaching mathematics in high schools
Nguyen Tien Da 1 *
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1 Hong Duc University, Thanh Hoa City, VIETNAM* Corresponding Author


Realistic mathematics education (RME) has been gradually asserting its influence on the development of many mathematics education in the world, including Vietnam. Through decades of application and development, RME is increasingly proving itself to be an effective approach in improving the quality of teaching and learning mathematics. The article focuses on clarifying some similarities between RME theory and authentic education method. The combination of the main ideas of these two approaches can help teachers in designing and selecting appropriate learning tasks to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning mathematics in the new curriculum context.


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Article Type: Research Article

Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023, Article No: em029

Publication date: 11 Mar 2023

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